It's Friday the 13th and the streets of New York are #HOT!
It's actually a beautiful day out - perfect to hop on a Citibike and take the quick ride from Port Authority at 42 & 8th (my point of origin) down to 3 of Us studios on 19th St.
I love the camaraderie among my fellow thespians, a group of committed actors who are willing to brave the heat and sweat it out for the chance to audition for a new play at a small theater that pays minimum AEA salary, but gives any of us a chance to practice our craft. This is why I love actors - and acting. Commitment.
I also love the fact that after nearly 30 years in the biz, I can walk into an audition and see a whole new group of actors. People I’ve never met before. This business can become pretty small after a while, but it's nice to see that there's always room for a fresh face - even if that face has a grey beard and receding hairline. (Not me - the other guy!)
Well, the audition went fine. Stephanie Klapper, our Casting Director, is an old friend and a delight to audition for anytime. And now -
We wait and see. Ah, the life of an actor...